Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year

I am looking forward to the turn of the calendar from 2008 to 2009 for many reasons. 

One simple reason is...a friend gave me a new calendar and I can't wait to read what "the office" saying is for January 2, 2009. 
In case you are curious, the January 1 saying comes from Michael about being the "top dog in a fairly large pond".

The year 2009 means I am one year closer to graduation for my master's degree. And trust me, that is a very good reason to look forward to the turn of the calendar. 

Another reason is the new year always holds all these new possibilities. Maybe the old year had some disappointments, however the new year has not disappointed anyone yet. Don't get me wrong, 2008 was a good year. Yet, along with the joys there always are some tears.  
This upcoming year only has joy in my mind. I guess I am a "glass 1/2 full" kind of person. The older I get the more open I am to the unknown. 
Okay, for those of you laughing so hard you are falling off your chair...I mean that I do much better not knowing what is ahead. 

Andy preached a couple weeks ago about the angel saying to the shepherd "Do not fear". He pointed out that for some of us that is all we need to hear from the Christmas story. This year, I needed to hear the angel's proclamation to the shepherds.
Fear can trap us into needing to know the next move. For me, fear has a lot to do with a need for control. As long as I know what is ahead, I can in some way prepare and it is less scary. However, there is really no way to know what is ahead at all times. We just cannot manipulate our days to that degree. 
I know I am not alone - I know many of you out there. This is a safe place to proclaim the fact  - we are recovering control freaks!

I am claiming the "recovering" part of the title because for 2009 I am holding no expectations (well, okay only a few). I am going to embrace the unknown of this next year (well, okay reach my hand out). Remember, it is all about baby steps. 

See you in 2009 and all the new year holds. May we laugh and yes at times, cry together in the next year.

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